My Blog

Limiting mindsets of 2023

A lot of things holding me back are things that actually pushed me forward in the past. #1. A Junior Mentality As a junior in a corporation the most important thing was to be competent at one thing instead of average at everything. So you could be a cog slotted into the machine to do…

Snails vs organs

I hear the words “seed of an idea” and it confused me for a long time. The seed becomes a script, which becomes a storyboard which becomes a film, which is promoted to a wide audience. There are people who can work like this and do great things, I deeply admire some of them cough…

The Trophy System

Lets say Tropfest has 1000 unsuccessful entries, Let’s say each entry took 250 hours (about a month). That’s 250,000 hours, convert that to minimum wage ($20) That’s at least five million dollars that just evaporated out of the hands of creative folks. It reminds me of how some MMA gyms grab a of people of…

Everything on this site owned by Daniel Benhar